3 minutes reading time (527 words)

Anatomy of a Bully: The Intersection and Vertical of a Bully

 The self-esteem research and development at Embrace Health Foundation has placed a lens on the behaviors exhibited in bullying and consistent themes and characteristics at the intersection of bullying and verticals of bullying presentations. The most prevalent theme is the desire to cause some form of response in the targeted individual or group as a response to a form of power shift or perceived power experience of some type that may be associated with differences in norms or opinions.. The individual or group providing the targeting or bullying seem to carry themes in messaging or want to express themselves and do so in the format of bullying. This experience is achieved by either direct conversation that suggests and expresses something or through direct hateful acts or words and or physical violence or alienation or defamation.

The scenarios carry themes that suggest that this form of behavior usually is observed by others and then more individuals may join in and support the action and participate. This form of active participation seems to take on several levels in thematic presentation. Some may join in as a group because they are involved and are expressing themselves. Another group may join expressly because others are participating and may not truly know what is evolving but participate because of peer pressure to do so. The majority seem to standby and observe and some shall remain detached and not participate whereas others may participate in other ways like alienation or forms of behaviors towards the individual or group targeted. The dynamics are usually complex and outcomes depend on location, dynamics and number of individuals involved and number of observers involved.

The bullying scenario presents with levels of self-expression by various individuals or groups and may escalate to other forms of expression or aggressive expressions. There are themes that suggest that after an initial experience the bullying behavior usually continues in other forms like vicious gossip and turning others away from the individual or group and creating dramatic forms of alienation with targeted forms of hate in different forms. It's exacerbated by technology and the various ways messaging and trolling are expressed on line and on different platforms.

Themes of repetition and drawing in more people to participate are regular experiences and empower the bullying to leverage very unpleasant and unfair experiences to those being targeted. The very common theme of bullying victimization draws a lens on the vulnerability of the individual and the aggressive act of being continually targeted.

The need to be expressive with hate or aggressive especially in repetitive or cyclic formats is the untoward unwelcome response that indicates incivility. The most violent aggressive acts of hate and bullying continue in society as a form of power or expression that needs to be redefined and understood more.

What role does self-esteem serve in these acts of incivility than to suggest that a leveling and balance of ego and self-esteem may support less bullying. The self-esteem research and development at Embrace Health Foundation reveals that self-reflection and self-compassion can significantly reduce stress and support a better understanding of one's personal wellness and the wellness of others.

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Resilience: A Reflection Of Personal Individuality


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Sunday, 09 February 2025